Send 3 to 4 sentences telling us about what AA has done for you to:
Thank you AA for giving me life’s little instruction booklet and a design for living and also helping me feel comfortable in my own skin. Thanks for helping me for a relationship with my Higher Power (God). John A.
AA taught me how to live life much better than when I was active. Given me friends that normally wouldn’t mix with. Gave me an understanding of how to deal with my fellows in a kind and respectful manner. Taught me how to pause before responding. Deb S.
Zoo Crew has helped me be open and comfortable with my alcohol addiction. Made me want to come back to meetings. Helped me be of service more. Given me a meeting I can always go to. Thank you zoo crew! Nathan S.
I never thought I could stop drinking for 1 hour and now it’s been a little while since my last drink thanks to, my Higher Power, AA & the Zoo Crew! We don’t have to do this thing alone! Jim
My wife had filed for divorce and alienated the kids from me. I was on probation at my job because I was out sick too often. I came into AA to get my wife back and save my job but I’ve gotten a lot more than that back because of Alcoholics Anonymous. AA has saved my life and given me a new life beyond my wildest dreams. Anonymous
AA has given me a proven system to follow, a new way of life and new friends. AA has so much depth to it, but at the same time a very simple program. Most of all, AA has given me hope and helped me to turn my sordid life into a miracle for others. Adam F / Chicago
Alcoholics Anonymous has saved my life. The program has allowed me to regain my positive outlook on life. (P.O.O.L). Through AA I am learning about myself. This program teaches me to be patient, and open-minded with others. I am learning to trust other people, especially women. I am learning how to be a friend again; I listen and follow suggestions that are given to me. AA has taught me that a suggestion is a subtle command because I do not know anything. I am learning as if I were a new born baby. Thank You Alcoholics Anonymous. Angela G.
I was stuck in misery that I couldn't claw my way out of as hard as I tried. My family and friends’ efforts were just keeping my head above water. I needed to do more. It took myself being introduced to The Zoo Crew where I was able to learn tools which gave me the instructions and steps to climb out of my pain and sorrow. It turns out those simple steps in the Big Book were there for me all of the time. I never need to go wallow in that hell again. I am blessed to have found this group December 2022. My Sobriety Date is September 5, 2022. Joe R.
If I had a thousand tongues, it would not be enough to express the gratitude I have for Alcoholics Anonymous. I was hopeless and okay with dying from the horrible disease of alcoholism. I could not imagine life without alcohol for it was my god. AA lead me to a spiritual connection to God and gave me a purpose in life and a new design for living. And for that I am a very grateful recovered alcoholic. HOPE - Happy Our Program Exists Patrice O.
Alcoholics Anonymous has given me my life back. It is teaching me how to be a better person, a better mother, wife, daughter and friend. It has lifted the obsession and given me a solution to my alcoholism. AA has given me lifelong friends and a place that I can call home away from home. I am so, so thankful for this program. Miriam K.
I’ve been sober over 6 months and there is no comparison between the life I had then and now. Because of working the steps I have peace that I have never had before. Fear & anxiety don’t dictate my day. I’ve tried it all and I can tell you that AA works! LaLa T.
Congrats to the Co-founders and to all of you members who are here for one primary purpose - to stay sober and help other alcoholics recover from alcoholism. I found zoo about a month ago and I thought I was walking into "another AA meeting." Little did I know that I had found myself a growing family who are so full of love, honesty, vulnerability and commitment. I'm a very proud member of the zoo community today. Thank you to the Co-founders for their consistent and immeasurable dedication to the cause. Thank you to every single one of you who are active participants of your recovery journey and my own! One love! Xox Nikkki R. xoX
They say an alcoholic has 3 choices: jail, institution, or death. Some of us go on to the bitter end. For this alcoholic it’s true. I would be dead if it weren’t for AA. God used AA to save my life. I am eternally grateful for the spiritual rebirth that happened as a result of doing the work and applying the principles of the Program. Thank You to the God of recovery, Jesus, a Power greater than self that restores sanity and life manageability and to the fellowship of AA. Carrie B.
What has AA done for me? Everything. I have experienced so many incredible life changes in these short 40 days. I have made friends, where I once had none. I have found my Higher Power and put trust in it. I have found home (again). AA never left me and, as promised, it welcomed me back with open arms. Amanda H.
What has AA done for me? AA has given a life beyond my Wildest Dreams…one day at time. AA has taught me that I can stay sober and that I don’t have to do do anything by myself. AA has taught me to find a HP greater than myself and of my own understanding. I am forever Grateful to AA for loving me until I learned to love myself. Kenyatta - Date of Sobriety: 10/15/2018
First introduced to AA when I was twenty-three years old, it took over fifteen years to consistently want long-term, continuous sobriety and recovery just a little bit more than I ever wanted to take that first drink again -- on any given day. Even still, I heard enough from coming back, again and again, usually in desperate times, over fifteen years, that I knew I could always "hand it over." Without that, I wouldn't have made it. AA is a gift - don't sell yourself short! Joe in Baltimore, MD
Before AA, I was in a constant state of fear, but AA showed me what kindness and safety look like. AA has shown me what the reflection of the light of God looks like -- it is the hope in the voice of a new member, the sparkle in the eyes of a seasoned sponsor -- it is the peace and joy shared in recovery. Without AA, I would have lost my family, my job, and my life. I don’t know what the future holds for my family, my job, or my physical health, but I can say that my future definitely contains AA. Jeremy G. (in AL)
I am a human being, 40 years old, who became an animal with a blood thirsty appetite for alcohol. I lost everything. I drank for sixteen years with lots of baggage and wreckage. I needed help and have been in facilities on 10 separate occasions. Finally in the year 2022 I became sober now I am 8 months and 2 weeks sober. AA has been at my side for years and they never left my side. Always true. Dwane T.
Before AA, I was in a constant state of fear, but AA showed me what kindness and safety look like. AA has shown me what the reflection of the light of God looks like -- it is the hope in the voice of a new member, the sparkle in the eyes of a seasoned sponsor -- it is the peace and joy shared in recovery. Without AA, I would have lost my family, my job, and my life. I can't say what the future holds for my family, my job, or my physical health, but I can say that my future definitely contains AA. Jeremy G. (in AL)
Hi Zoo Crew! AA and the 12 Steps enabled me to find a Power that has solved my problem. God has removed my selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, and fear. He has transformed my old ideas, attitudes, emotions, and actions. I slip up occasionally, but the majority of the time I am loving and tolerant, patient, grateful, and at peace. The 12th Step work I get to do as a Zoo Crew service team member is a bright spot in my life! Love, Clyde A. (CA)
AA has allowed me to let go of things that are out of my control. I turn them over to my Higher Power. AA has also made me realize I need to continue to set time aside for myself and not overcommit my time. My connection to my Higher Power gives me great comfort and has removed my obsession with alcohol. This is a program for living! Kevin Starr